Monday, 30 July 2012

Racial Harmony Day

Logesh, Brenda

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Logesh, Brenda, Aishah, Ishu, Li Jia, Zaafirah

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Rina, Esti

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Sneaked into the sec 1/2's outfit photo taking with a few friends bahahaha can you spot me/ishu/Brenda/Javier/Logesh/Aishah?

We were taking photos and then suddenly two china men (principals from China) asked to join our photo HAHA and so did Ms Nor

Yes i'm wearing a bindi, it's just not that clear because my fringe sorta covers it :p

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Turtle boy


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Sec 3-5's
Bahaha the most outstanding thing in this photo is Sam's arm.
Can you spot me? ;-)
Can you spot the Turban?

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My Jr who is taller than me, Dylan


Racial Harmony Day was so fun, besides the part that there was no celebration. Yes, no celebration!! What the shit right? Ah well, had fun taking photos during the break!

" Don't let the past hold you back, don't let the past define you. "

Friday, 27 July 2012

Monday, 23 July 2012

Happy Birthday Renee!

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hehe unglam rylee
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Celebrated Renee's birthday at Oriole. All of 'em came back to my house afterwards and we waited for some more people to arrive. Once everyone reached, we hanged around at the park awhile till around midnight and then came back to my place and started our mahjong spam ;-)
>Renee, Yeeyin, Rylee, Huicheng, Hazell, Aikhong, Garfield, Sean Tan, Xiaobao, Bryan, Shankai, Daryl, Sinzhen, Dave

" Sometimes, forgiving people really easily is a good thing. Sometimes, it just leads to being taken advantage of "